Delphinium elatum ‘Christine Harbutt’

Striking spires of white flowers from early summer

Established plants in 2 litre containers


Delphinium elatum ‘Christine Harbutt’ is a glorious, statuesque plant that packs a real punch in mid-summer. The foliage emerges in spring and forms a clump quickly, before flowering spires emerge from the base from early summer onwards and open out a few weeks later into masses of pure white flowers with white centres. Delphiniums are classic cottage garden plants, a plant for the back of borders that puts on a real show when planted in groups.
These established, garden-ready plants have been grown at our nursery in Cornwall and are provided in 2 litre containers. In good soil they can grow upwards of 150cm (approximately 5 feet), with a spread of around half of that.

Growing Advice

As with all Delphiniums, we find there are two things this plant needs to do really well. First, some protection from slugs – particularly when the foliage first emerges in spring (once the plant has got going the slugs tend to leave it alone). And second, some form of support for the flowering spikes, which is better provided before the spikes emerge. Alternatively you can plant them in more sheltered locations, as we do, ensuring the plants still get enough sun. They are not hugely fussy otherwise and if you can provide them with some support (they will also often support each other if planted in groups) will flourish in good soils.


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