Ajuga reptans ‘Chocolate Chip’

Pretty ground-covering evergreen with spires of blue flowers in mid to late-spring

Price is for 2 plants in 1 litre containers


Ajuga reptans ‘Chocolate Chip’ is a lovely unusual little ground-covering plant that is great for shadier spots. In spring when the dark brown-green, glossy rosettes of foliage break into growth again it contrasts beautifully with the lush, mid-green foliage of other shade-tolerant plants, such as ferns and hostas. In mid to late spring spikes of rich purple-blue flowers emerge above the foliage to give the whole plant a really unusual look. Planted en masse the flower spikes can make for quite a display, and the timing of the flowers means the plant provides interest as the mid-spring flowering daffodils are going over.
The plants have been grown at our nursery in Cornwall and are provided in 1 litre pots (the price is for two of these plants). They will grow to an ultimate height of about 10-15cm and will slowly spread via runners to form mats of ground-cover.

Growing Advice

Ajugas prefer soil that is fertile and consistently moist. They also prefer dappled shade – though they will grow well in full shade and sunnier locations the foliage can change colour a little with too much or too little soil. They are incredibly easy to grow and will spread slowly to form dense mats of ground cover, though as they are shallow-rooted they are easy to keep in check if they spread to areas you don’t want them.


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