Potentilla x tonguei

Ground-covering perennial potentilla with peach-orange flowers in summer

Established plant in 2 litre container


Potentilla x tonguei is a great ground-covering garden plant. It is less often seen than more well-known shrubby potentillas but is none the less attractive for it – indeed we love it for its cheery peach-orange flowers that are lively without being glaring, as well as its attractive, scrambling foliage that like other potentiallas has something of the look of a strawberry plant, with its small, toothed and striated leaves. The leaves are unusual in this cultivar in that the underside is almost silvery, given the plant an added texture and interest even before the flowers arrive in mid summer. When the flowers do arrive they pop up in a punchy, slightly chaotic way along the scrambling arms of the plant, each flower a soft, sunset-peach to the outside fading into a deep red to black at the centre.
These established, garden-ready plants have been grown at our nursery in Cornwall and supplied in 2 litre containers. They will grow to an ultimate height of just 15-20cm (6-8 inches) but will scramble around, covering an area of up to around 50cm (1 and a half to 2 feet).

Growing Advice

Potentillas grow well in sun or light shade, in any reasonable soil which is not too wet. Keep them deadheaded to ensure a long display of flowers. This variety works particularly well in informal settings scrambling over rocks in a rock garden, or spilling over the front of large containers.


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