Primula beesiana

Candelabra primula with vibrant pink-purple, whorl-shaped inflorescences

Established plants in 2 litre containers


Primulas are a real symbol of spring. Found throughout wooded areas and on the margins or streams and paths across Europe and Asia, some species are amongst the earliest perennials to emerge and flower, offering an early promise of warmer months to come and an end to the greys of winter. Primula beesiana, or the candelabra primula, is a species from Asia that flowers later than our common primula and has masses of pink-purple inflorescences held in whorls on strong stems above clumps of fresh, strong-green foliage. They remind us of a refined cowslip primula, with vividly-coloured flowers that are perfect along the margins of paths, woodland areas or streams.
These established, garden-ready plants have been grown at our nursery in Cornwall, and are supplied in 2 litre containers. The foliage will grow in clumps to about 15cm (6 inches) high, with flowers held a few cms above this, and the plant will spread to ultimately form a clump about 30cm (12 inches) wide. Where happy they will self-seed to form small colonies.

Growing Advice

Primula beesiana shares the same preferred growing conditions as common primulas, with the exception that they can usually take a little more sun – as long as the soil stays reliably damp. They look great massed around water margins or on the margins of woodland settings. They flower a little later than common primulas, but in our view are such a bold presence that they are no less welcome when they do arrive!

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