Persicaria affinis ‘Superba’

Ground-covering persicaria with dusty pink-white flowers and contrasting red buds and stems

Established plants in 2 litre containers


Persicaria affinis (synonym: Bistorta officinalis) ‘Superba’ is a low-growing, ground-covering perennial that is excellent as a weed suppressor and to fill spaces in shadier areas. The low-growing foliage is an attractive mid-green colour, turning red-green and bronze in autumn, and throughout the growing season the plant puts up spikes of cream flowers emerging from contrasting red stems and dusty-pink buds. It spreads well by trailing stems but never takes over, providing a low-maintenance option for areas bordering streams or paths, on the edges of woodland or other areas with dappled shade.
The plants have been grown at our nursery in Cornwall and are supplied in 2 litre containers. They will grow to an ultimate height of about 25cm (10 inches) and will spread for as long as there is bare earth to cover and there is reasonable soil to put roots down into.

Growing Advice

Persicarias are in general a low-maintenance, easy to grow option and we find persicaria affinis to be no exception. They’re not the best in the glare of full sun or full shade, so keep them in some shade away from the hot afternoon sun, and they prefer soil that’s on the moister side. If you want to limit their spread they are easy to pull out, or divide and move elsewhere, in the spring or the autumn.


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