Lotus hirsutus

Compact sub-shrub with small silvery foliage and masses of white flowers with pink hints

Established plants in 2 litre containers


Lotus hirsutus is a really lovely little sub-shrub that in our view isn’t grown often enough. It has a compact, neat form with slightly arching stems and masses of small silvery-green leaves with a fuzzy texture that become more silver the more sun the plant is exposed to. In summer flower buds appear all up the stems and open out into a mass of small white flowers with a pink tinge to the base. The whole effect is lovely, with the flowers contrasting with the furry buds that have yet to open and the deep burgundy-red calyx at the base of each flower. Once the flowers are over the seedheads mature into a lovely chocolate brown colour – again contrasting wonderfully with the silver foliage.
These established plants have been grown at our nursery in Cornwall and are supplied in 2 litre containers. They will grow to an ultimate height of about 60cm (25 inches) with a similar spread.

Growing Advice

Sunshine and good drainage is key to this plant doing well. It is hardy as long as it avoids sitting in lots of wet soil over winter, and will flower most prolifically in full sun – this will also brighten the silver of the foliage. It makes a great addition to a gravel or dry garden. We also grow a mature plant in a large pot, where it works alongside Mediterranean plants like lavenders and sun-loving herbs.


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