Hosta ‘Designer Genes’

Mid-sized hosta with golden-yellow leaves and striking red stems

Established plants in 2 litre containers


Hosta ‘Designer Genes’ is a really striking hosta with strong, upright golden-yellow leaves contrasting with deep red stems and petioles. The flowers, held 10 to 15cm above the mounding foliage, are an attractive lavender colour and emerge from early summer onwards. Hosta ‘Designer Genes’ is a highly decorative hosta that will bring colour and interest to shady areas, the margins of ponds or as a colour and form contrast among woodland planting. It will also work well in containers, where it can stand and perform alone, or act as a foil among pot displays with other plants with bolder flowers and colours.
These established, garden-ready plants have been grown at our nursery in Cornwall and are supplied in 2 litre containers. They will grow to an ultimate height of about 40-50cm (16-18 inches) and a spread of around 60-75cm (24-30 inches).

Growing Advice

There is a bit of a misnomer that hostas need to be constantly wet to do well. They certainly don’t like soil that dries out, but they can also rot if allowed to sit in water, particularly over winter, so make sure they have a spot that is reasonably well-drained. Hostas are also better grown in partial or full shade – keep them out of afternoon mid-summer sun, which can scorch the leaves. The frustrating slug and snail damage can be warded off, in our experience, with a regular treatment with garlic spray (various recipes are available on the internet). We also find growing hostas in pots does a lot to keep the slugs and snails off.


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