Geranium phaeum

Sultry, purple and burgundy flowers held high above mounds of bright green divided foliage

Established plants in 2 litre containers


Geranium phaeum is a reliable and strong growing geranium that works in all sorts of places in the garden. We’ve used it principally in shady woodland areas where the soil doesn’t dry out too much, but its bright and healthy foliage give it a really useful, long-lasting presence wherever it settles its roots. The leaves are deeply lobed and sometimes have bronze patches, particularly early in the season, and the flowers appear from early summer and then sporadically throughout the growing season. The flowers provide pinches of interesting moody purple / burgundy colour held on strong stems above the mounding foliage.
These established, garden-ready plants have been grown at our nursery in Cornwall and are provided in 2 litre containers. They will grow to an ultimate height of about 60cm (24 inches) with a similar spread.

Growing Advice

Like most hardy geraniums, this is a very low maintenance plant. It’s happy in a range of soils and needs nothing but a tidy up in spring, when you can cut all the old foliage back to the base to make way for the fresh foliage coming through. You can also do that once there are a few less flowers towards the end of summer to tidy it all up. In our experience it grows more compactly with more sun, but will flower happily in partial sun and shade too.


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