Eryngium planum ‘Silver Salentino’

Statement, architectural perennial with metallic silver flowers

Established plants in 2 litre containers


Eryngium planum (Sea Holly) ‘Silver Salentino’ is a real statement plant that we consider grown best for their architectural value. For much of the year the plant has a low basal clump of mid-green leaves that give little away about the flowering to come. In late spring and early summer the plant puts up rapidly growing spires to a height of about a metre (or three feet) covered with dozens and dozens of snowy white buds a few cms across. Each one opens into a ball of silvery-white flowers fringed with silvered bracts. They provide a long-lasting presence in the flower border and, once the flowers do fade out, they continue to provide attractive structure through their seedheads, which can endure though winter in a sheltered spot.
The plants have been grown at our nursery in Cornwall and are provided in 2 litre containers. They will grow to an ultimate height of about a metre (40 inches) with a spread of around 20-30cm (8-12 inches).

Growing Advice

Eryngiums are found often in sandy and stony soils near coastlines, and this provides an important clue about the conditions they best like – they need well-drained spots in full sun to perform to their best. A tall form like ‘Silver Salentino’ is better when staked or provided with some support for the flower-laden spikes, but they otherwise will cope with drought and windy conditions well. They are not otherwise fussy about soil fertility or soil types, and will cheerfully self-seed where they are happy.


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